Oct 5, 2024 11:18 AM
401 2

It's been 3 and a half years since I've been Chief Archivist on VindexCraft and I'd like to share with you all some of NARA's big accomplishments and to
shamelessly plug NARA to those who still don't know about it and wish to see their old Vindex memories


If you wish to see old things such as books, discords, screenshots, videos and documents then head on over to our discord and portal!

DISCORD https://discord.gg/PQ66HYXmsF


This webisite is home to all online NARA projects including the following
β€’ Over 9,000 unique books with good filtering options
β€’ The old Enjin forums (Locked behind authorisation for security purposes, you can request access)
β€’ Over 120 archived discords for public viewing


NARA's Wikipedia is available for public editing for any topic


Enjoy reading those who held past leadership positions, dating back to 2015! (Still being updated as it takes a lot of time and resources to make one list)


A live timeline of most appointments, major events and news worthy things dating back to 6th of January, 2022

In the discord we have many more projects, such as all constitutions, over 85 recorded executive orders, videos relating to Vindex, an automated system of
forum screenshots posting every 30 hours, all Vindex Award nominations and awards since 2017 and more!

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Oct 5, 2024 10:11 PM
Very cool! Thanks for sharing!
Oct 5, 2024 4:05 PM
i love nara